As mentioned last time the body would not sit correctly on the 'pan. This was because the pattern heater channels were fouling the seat runners as can be seen in the next two pictures.
Here you can see the extent of the problem this was causing. The body need to sit flush with the rear edge of the 'pan so that the mounting bolts can be fitted.
As I will not be using these heater channels the simplest solution was to trim the offending material away.
Final position of the body is shown below and enabled all the mounting bolts to be fitted and tightened.
Shot showing the body bolted in position and also some of the bracing I used before removing the body from the original 'pan. It's just some steel tube I had lying around welded in diagonally and triangulated to put some strength back. I'd also left it in place during transportation to the new house and whilst lifting the body onto the new 'pan, as the body has so much material removed it had become extremely flexible.